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How to Fix Your Social Media Banners

Updated: Jul 31, 2021

...So You can Make Your Customers Fall in Love with Your Promotion Effortlessly

1. Messaged received. (Straight to my soul)

Your message is the main heart of your banner.

Engaging content literally means you are speaking the thoughts of your customers before they even say it. Choose your messaging wisely and DM it to their souls.

2. Font-liners

So hey, your font matters. Your messaging will be in vain if your font is hard to read or if your audience don't know what to read first.

Consider highlighting your main focus with either Large font or cursive font. It'll help your audience where to focus on. If you can't really do this, tell them to focus on the Lord instead. hehe.(jk)

3. Yo, why you so blurry?

Alright girl, I know you got that pretty face or a good office space but hey, invest in a professional photographer. If you are using a stock photo, make sure they are not pixelated when you download them. Blurry photos are a NO-NO (although they work on memes) but if your promotion is not a MEME, try to upload a high quality picture as much as possible.

4. Why so pretty?

Okay this is not negative thing but actually a compliment.

I have mentioned that maybe you got that pretty face on your promotion.

Over the course of my social media marketing experience, I have seen that people are drawn to faces that's why some FB ads that perform well are just contents with a photo of the author in a normal day (but not pixelated or blurry! Had to really say that).

If you are already using professionally taken pics of yours, you're doing an awesome job!

If you haven't, well then, thus sayeth Mar, it is TIME! ;)

5. Fix your color combi, dear.

I know some of you love to mix up colors in the Kingdom. Maybe even prayed and fasted about your brand colors. So #hallelujahJesus.

But hey, I believe the Lord wants you to use and combine them well.

Make sure that your color combinations in your posts (font colors, elements/shapes, your dress motif on your glorious body) are in peace and harmony.

Color should not only reflect your personality but should also invite your audience to stare and day dream about it. You know what I'm sayin'? Basically a "can't move on effect" to your audience. You can check out Canva Design School and study awesome color combinations that won't cringe your audience.

6. Get in alignment!

This is not a Sunday preaching topic but I am talking about your text and elements alignment in your post.

If they need to be centered, let there be center alignment!

Maybe some of your besties' posts are actually all over the place.

For this to be perfect, go back to your main messaging and focus on your "focus".

Texts and elements that aren't aligned with each other (whether in ratio, size or spacing) could leave your audience confused and you don't want that. Trust me.

7. Click-bait-Scroll-down-Killer-saved-post Worthy Over-all look.

Well, let's be honest. You may not perfect every aspects mentioned above but there's a hundred percent possibility that it will change your usual way of creating your banners. Remember, all these aspects should be in perfect harmony so you can create a different impact on your audience's memory.

Practice makes perfect and perfection is achieved with imperfection.

Don't feel frustrated if you can't get the perfect look because, only the Lord is perfect. (There you go. Be encouraged. Read it again if you have to. lol)

Keep applying these aspects and you will soon achieve a click-bait-scroll-down-killer-saved-post worthy social media banner.

I hope these tips helped you transform your online life.

If you have any more tips that I didn't mention here, drop 'em like a bomb below on the comments so we can edify each other more!

If you need a helper in creating your banners because you're too busy doing the will of God in your business, well --- I'm your girl!

Let's chat! It'll be awesome!




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