Dear Kingdom Business builder,
I know it's a bit challenging to do business in a world full of deceit. Let alone have a thriving business where its economy tends to be very fickle. But how can we have a thriving business without the world's influence, that kind of business that solely depends on the ways of the Kingdom?
1. Surrender your business to God.
Business ownership is for the world.
Business stewardship is for the Kingdom.
If you want that business to thrive, learn to surrender what's not yours. That business, my friend is definitely The Lord's.
2. Maintain righteousness and integrity.
A thriving business with God requires a pure heart towards your assignment. Just because you have transactions with the world, doesn't mean you will have to compromise and do business like them.
3. Commit to excellence.
A thriving business Kingdom's way also serves with excellence.
I mean, if you are an heir/heiress of the Chief Himself, excellence surely flows in your bloodstream.
4. Learn to pray NOT out of necessity but out of your Kingdom Identity.
Declaring things over your business according to His truth is a game-changing strategy. When we start shifting our prayers from hoping to proclaiming, we exercise our Kingdom Identity according to the power that works within us. This will not only cause your business to thrive but also manifest the will of God in the marketplace.
I hope these secrets will help you to achieve a thriving business without relying so much on the wisdom of this world. Always remember that you are set apart. That means doing this life, in general, should demonstrate the unique attributes of God's children.